
No Wonder She's Quitting


Karen Hughes, who has managed the White House's public relations and press office since George W. Bush became president, announced her resignation yesterday. Speculation abounds as to the "real" reason why this longtime Bush associate–she's worked for the president since his first gubernatorial campaign in Texas–is stepping down. Official tales of being homesick and wanting to spend more time with her husband and 15-year-old son just don't pass the smell test it in the cynical world of Washington commentary.

Surely more dark background on this story will soon come to light. But there might be a simple explanation, one that Washington insiders and pundits, blinded by the glamor of Beltway power and influence, will never consider: that handling press and public relations for the leader of the federal government is a pretty awful job.

How would you like to manage spin control for an institution that—according to press reports in the past week alone—is still accidentally releasing anthrax; losing support for its relentless (and feckless) meddling in the Middle East; sinking quickly into new foreign policy quagmires in the Philippines and Colombia; and losing domestic support in its wars against marijuana and assisted suicide?

Don't worry, Karen. Forget about the Beltway Boys and girls. Some of us understand exactly why you wouldn't want to put up with your job for one day more.