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Free Speech

"Myanmar's Junta Arrests Swiss Filmmaker, 13 Cast Members for Defaming Buddhism"


Radio Free Asia reports:

[The defendants] are accused of insulting Buddhist cultural traditions and the morals of Buddhist monks, according to state media. Authorities haven't specified under which law they would be prosecuted….

The film, titled "Don't Expect Anything," portrays the message that it is meaningless to worship Buddha images or pagodas, and instead it's important to follow Buddha's teachings.

The 12-year-old main character uses harsh words in the film to describe how the monks enjoy the food donated by lay people every day. The film portrays her as a reincarnation of a hermit who practiced Buddhist teaching in a previous life.

The film, linked to in the Radio Free Asia article, is apparently this:

Thanks to the Media Law Resource Center (MLRC) MediaLawDaily for the pointer.