The Volokh Conspiracy

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Upcoming Talks in Britain [Updated]

I will be giving four talks during an upcoming trip to the UK in July.



The Somin family will be in the UK in July, and I will be giving four talks there. Two are open to the public, and a third by invitation, which I should be able to obtain for interested academics, policy experts, members of the media, and the like. The last is restricted to participants in the relevant program. Below are the times, locations, and information on how to come.

I might be able to add additional events. Contact me if you represent an academic or policy organization that may be interested.

July 3, 1-2 PM (doors open at 12:30), Institute of Economic Affairs, 2 Lord North St., London: "Immigration and the Economic Freedom of Natives" (based in part on my article of the same name). Lunch will be served. This event is by invitation, but I can likely get you one if you are an academic, policy expert, reporter, or have some other connection to the issue. Contact me if interested. IEA is tentatively planning to publish a revised version of the article as a briefing paper, including some data and analysis specifically relevant to the British situation.

July 8, 12-1:30 PM,  King's College, Bush House NE 9.03, London: "The Case Against Nationalism" (based in part on my coauthored article of the same title, but with many points adapted to the British context). I think there will be free food, but am not completely sure.

July 9, 1-2:15 PM, University of Miami British Politics and Policy Seminar, London: "The Case Against Nationalism." This event is restricted to participants in the University of Miami summer program on British Politics and Policy

July 10, 1-3 PM, Vinson Centre Seminar Series, University of Buckingham, Enterprise Hub, Vinson Building, Buckingham UK: "Free to Move: Foot Voting Migration and Political Freedom" (based on my book of the same name). RSVP and other additional information here.