Super Bowl Pot Bust


It won't get as much publicity as the idiotic ads linking illegal drug use to terrorism, but one of the Office of National Drug Control Policy's Super Bowl ads was just as stupid.

I'm referring to the one in which a couple is waiting for the results of a pregancy test. You assume it's for them and then learn it's for their young daughter, waiting shamefully in the next room. The voiceover intones that "smoking marijuana impairs your judgment."

This vignette, viewable here, elicited hoots of derision from the people I was watching the game with. Hoots and confessions, from both men and women, that pot short-circuited many more sexual episodes than it fueled. Booze, yes, especially as high school kids. But pot leading to that sort of lapse of judgment? Not particularly. But beer and wine coolers don't yet fall under the drug czar's province.