Belgium Releases Bombing Suspect, Georgia's Religious Freedom Law Vetoed, Clinton Campaign Tone-Polices Sanders: P.M. Links


  • Clinton/Sanders

    Authorities in Belgium have released a suspect they had charged in connection with the Brussels bombing due to lack of evidence.

  • A gunman was taken into custody after opening fire in the Capitol Visitor Center in D.C.
  • The American Civil Liberties Union and other advocacy groups have filed suit to try to block North Carolina's law overturning Charlotte's LGBT discrimination protections and transgender bathroom rules.
  • Meanwhile, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal will veto the state's religious freedom law, which mostly mimicked federal law and also stated that religious-based organizations could not be forced to perform or host events (like same-sex marriages) that violated their religious positions.
  • An aide to Hillary Clinton suggested that the possibility of another debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders depends on the senator's "tone" in his campaign.
  • Sean "Diddy" Combs is opening a charter school in Harlem.
  • A child died in the United Kingdom after a bounce house blew away. Expect calls for safety regulations, obviously. Two people have been arrested for "suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence."
  • The Supreme Court has declined to hear to hear the appeal of the corruption conviction of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blogojevich.

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