Tonight on The Independents: The Latest ISIL Beheading, Grover Norquist Tells All About Burning Man, Report from the Russo-Ukrainian Mini-war, Leaked Nudes, Revolving Cantor, NSA, Minimum Wage, Plus After-show!
Tonight's episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, with re-airs three hours later), like so many others of late, begins with some gruesome business: the news that American journalist Steven Sotloff is the latest to have his head sawed off by the Islamic State (ISIL). Joining to discuss the evolving ramifications and descending Mideast chaos are Party Panelists Carrie Sheffield (Forbes contributor) and Joe DeVito (comedian). Later in the show, the duo is slated to gab about the spate of leaked celebrity nudes, and—even more searing to the naked eye—Eric Cantor's posh new gig at Moelis.
Have you heard about Russia's slow-motion invasion of Ukraine? Michael Weiss, of the Russian-media-reading The Interpreter, will join live from Kiev via some sort of crude telecommunications. President Barack Obama and every mediagenic mayor from L.A. to Chicago spent Labor Day making calorie-free promises about what a boosted minimum wage would do to the economy; the co-hosts will react.
Remember how anti-tax activist and known moral monster Grover Norquist announced intentions to ruin Burning Man through his attendance this year? Here's an audio-visual reminder:
Norquist will be on the show to report back what he learned among the tech-hippies. The NSA's data-hoovering apparatus was in court today; Kmele Foster will explain the import. And the online-only aftershow begins at just after 10.
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