
Print and Video Journalists: Submit Your Best Stuff to Reason Media Awards By July 31!


The Reason Media Awards showcase the efforts of outstanding journalists who are advancing the principles of free minds and free markets by educating their readers about individual liberty, free markets, and the rule of law.

Three awards will be presented at the gala dinner, which will be held November 10, 2014 at The University Club in New York City:

The Lanny Friedlander Prize will honor one or more individuals whose work has vastly expanded human freedom by increasing our ability to understand the power of free minds and free markets.

The Bastiat Prize for Journalism—now in its 13th year—will honor writers from around the globe who explain the importance of freedom with originality, wit, and eloquence.

The Reason Video Prize honors short-form video and film that explores, investigates, or enriches our appreciation of individual rights, limited government, and the free market.

Notable past winners of the Bastiat Prize include journalist and European Parliament member Daniel Hannan;Bloomberg View's Amity Shlaes, who said, "It was a bleak landscape for free-market writers until the Bastiat Prize came along;" Mary Anastasia O'Grady of the Wall Street Journal, whose in-depth knowledge of Latin America is the focus of her weekly column "The Americas;" and former Reason editor Virginia Postrel.