
Publishers Rush to Get Books About Generals Out

Just change the names in Fifty Shades of Grey and put Petraeus on the cover


Not to be outdone by the moved-up release of a book on former CIA director David Petraeus, Penguin has announced plans to roll out the delayed memoir of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the commander of the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan who Petraeus replaced.

As you'll recall, McChrystal was brought down by a Rolling Stone profile that revealed his habit of openly criticizing Commander in Chief Obama and drinking Bud Light Lime. His side of the story has been in the works for some time. Last we heard, his memoir's original Nov. 12 release date had been postponed so the book could be thoroughly vetted for sensitive information by the Department of Defense. Apparently that process is nearly complete, because Penguin has sent out a press release with a release date for My Share of the Task on Jan. 7, 2013.