
Special Edition Reason Atlas Shrugged DVD Now Available for Order!


You've read the novel. You've seen the film in theaters. Now don't miss your chance to own Atlas Shrugged Part I on DVD!

This very special Collector's Edition DVD, produced in conjunction with, features the complete Atlas Shrugged Part I film PLUS original video content from Reason Foundation, including:

  • Exclusive video recorded behind the scenes during the filming of Atlas Shrugged Part I.
  • Interviews with Nathaniel Branden, author of My Years with Ayn Rand, and Barbara Branden, author of the The Passion of Ayn Rand.
  • Expert commentary on Rand and her ideas by Reason Foundation co-founders Bob Poole, Tibor Machan, and Manny Klausner.
  • Insight into the central question "Who is John Galt?" by Reason Senior Editor Brian Doherty, author of Radicals for Capitalism, and the actors and producers of the Atlas Shrugged Part I.

Click Here to Order your Special Edition Reason Atlas Shrugged DVD Today!