
10 Reasons Why You Should Donate to Reason!


We are on Hump Day of our 2nd annual Webathon, and we've got a ways to go yet before that little torch on the left swells up and turns blood orange. To light that fire, and remind you of how much bang you're getting for your buck–or more likely, how much bang you're getting as a free rider–here are our Top 10 pieces from Fiscal Year 2010, as measured by traffic.

1) Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family, by Radley Balko

2) Class War: How public servants became our masters, by Steven Greenhut

3) In Defense of Extreme Pornography, by Greg Beato

4) Obama and the L-Word: The president's habit of telling untruths, by Matt Welch

5) Five Lies About the American Economy: The Obama team's favorite slices of fiscal baloney, by Tim Cavanaugh

6) "Police Officers Don't Check Their Civil Rights at the Station House Door": Three law enforcement officials defend the arrest of citizens who record on-duty cops, by Radley Balko

7) Pre-Crime Policing: Allegedly "disgruntled" man has his guns seized, and "voluntarily" surrenders to two SWAT teams and dozens of police officers for a crime that hadn't been committed, by Radley Balko

8) Another Senseless Drug War Death: Stunning developments in the 2009 police shooting of Georgia pastor Jonathan Ayers, by Radley Balko

9) Unions "Own" the Democratic Party: Contrarian author, blogger, and senatorial candidate Mickey Kaus on interest-group politics, immigration, and the Velvet Underground, interviewed by Nick Gillespie

10) First Annual Everybody Draw Mohammad Day, by Michael C. Moynihan

It's about freedom, boys and girls. Is there any other magazine on the planet with this cross-section of interests and enthusiasms? Go ahead and suggest some in the comments, so I can subscribe. In the meantime, read and re-read these stories, then donate right the hell today! We absolutely depend on your support to produce journalism like this. Donate right now! And thanks for making stuff like this possible.