Government Waste: We Await Silent Tristero's Empire Edition


Remember the release of the Ronald Reagan commemorative stamp back in '05? What a party that was! USA Today spotlights postmen gone wild:

As a top executive at the U.S. Postal Service, Azeezaly Jaffer liked to live large. Too large, according to postal investigators.

In one three-night stretch in 2004, he ran up $8,252 staying at a Washington hotel suite—less than nine miles from his home.

He blew $3,486.33 in one evening for steak dinners and a bar-hopping binge for himself and other postal employees after the unveiling of the new Ronald Reagan commemorative stamp in 2005.

He tipped two lucky waiters $1,511.66 following a seafood dinner for 20 employees and business partners in 2003.

All on the Postal Service's dime.

Ah well, everyone loves a good tipper. Before resigning, Jaffer also managed to proposition a couple of colleagues for sex and rack up a total of $46,000 in "questionable" spending.