William Bratton, Cupid's Calling!


Trash-talking publishing giant and Kerik homewrecker Judith Regan moves to the City of the Angels, disses the Big Apple to the LA Weekly:

"People have a very hard time having a life here," says this single mother of two and recent paramour of ex-New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik. "And because of that, it's more and more difficult to get staff to stay in this business. It's not just ReganBooks. It's everybody in the book-publishing business. They all lie about it, they deceive you, but that is the naked ugly truth. It's very difficult, because they can't afford to have a life here."

But if New York is overly money-driven, then some people, I suggest, might say that Regan's hypercapitalistic style of publishing—recent best-selling titles include How To Make Love Like a Porn Star, Juiced and Sex, Sex, and More Sex —is part of the problem.

"Then they're completely uninformed," she snaps, voice rising, eyes turning steely. "Most of the people who write about the publishing business don't know anything about the publishing business. And let me just tell you, it's called the publishing BUSINESS! I'm not running a philanthropic library, okay? If you came in to interview anyone else, in any other kind of business, whether they were selling shoes, dresses or apartments, would you take issue with the fact that they did it successfully?"

Hypercapitalism aside, be on the lookout for more publishing industry types to start relocating to the City of the Angels—and for The New York Times to speculate that the home of Igor Stravinsky, Thomas Mann, and Franz Werfel might finally be attracting some culture.