Top Ten Dictators


David Wallechinsky–he of The Book of Lists fame–produces a personal list of tyrannical bastards for Parade magazine (link courtesy of RealClear Politics).

Looking at how long many of these thugs have been in power makes you appreciate one-term US presidents all the more.

The envelope, puh-lease:

1) Kim Jong Il—North Korea (Age 61, in power since 1994)
2) King Fahd & Crown Prince Abdullah—Saudi Arabia (Ages 80 & 79, in power since 1982 & 1995, respectively)
3) Saddam Hussein—Iraq (Age 65, in power since 1979)
4) Charles Taylor—Liberia (Age 55, in power since 1997)
5) Than Shwe—Burma (Age 70, in power since 1992)
6) Teodoro Obiang Nguema—Equatorial Guinea (Age 60, in power since 1979).
7) Saparmurad Niyazov—Turkmenistan (Age 62, in power since 1990)
8) Muammar al-Qaddafi—Libya (Age 60, in power since 1969)
9) Fidel Castro—Cuba (Age 76, in power since 1959)
10) Alexander Lukashenko—Belarus (Age 48, in power since 1994)