Libertarian Party Correspondent


It is interesting to note the different styles of operation of each state Libertarian Party. Because each state party is autonomous, it has the authority and corresponding responsibility for its own existence and activities. As a result, some state parties have progressed nicely while others are practically dormant. And those that are active differ widely in their method of operation.

For example, in California, public relations is the main thrust and all available resources are directed toward radio and TV to reach as many people as possible. Consolidation and follow-up organization will be undertaken as campaign pressure lets up. In New York and Illinois, political action on a local level is the main avenue utilized and organization is of immediate concern. Other states, such as Oregon, use a variation of several approaches, but to a lesser degree.

On the national level, Dr. John Hospers, our presidential candidate, is, at the time of this writing, in the midst of an eight state tour making several public appearances and addressing large libertarian gatherings to garner support for the Libertarian Party.

Our vice-presidential candidate, Mrs. Tonie Nathan, will meet Dr. Hospers in Chicago for the purpose of a joint public appearance and to assist the Illinois party in organizing.

The publicity obtained from this trip should expand the market for libertarian ideas considerably.

And this, of course, is one of the Libertarian Party's primary objectives.

To follow up this initial publicity, the Libertarian Party now has available thousands of copies of Dr. Hospers' LIBERTARIANISM in paperback for distribution, thanks to Reason Press' determined efforts to publish the book. If the Libertarian Party members do their job in distributing the book to the general public and on college campuses, libertarianism as a political philosophy will take another giant step forward.

Recap of state activities:

CALIFORNIA: Membership has grown to over 300 and a new state office was set up in San Francisco. Jim Eason of KGO Radio has provided golden opportunities for libertarians to voice their ideas and the results are showing by the extremely rapid growth of the Libertarian Party in the northern California area. Manny Klausner's candidacy for the 27th Congressional District is gathering steam for a big October push.

COLORADO: National Headquarters in Denver reports that six Libertarian Party members are running for local and congressional offices in several states and an in-depth perspective on each is contained in the August newsletter. A national tour is being planned for October for Mrs. Tonie Nathan.

HAWAII: California State Finance Chairman Ed Crane generated a lot of excitement by making several radio and TV appearances during a business trip to Hawaii and made several personal contacts which resulted in the formation of the Hawaii Libertarian Party. We should be hearing more from them soon.

Ed has also been active as a media spokesman in California.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: The Libertarian Party has a good chance of getting on the ballot by petition and hopefully Dr. Hospers' tour in that area will help accomplish that end.

NEW YORK: Feverish political activity continues there to get three local and congressional candidates on the ballot via the petition route.

OREGON: Political activity has picked up substantially, due to Mrs. Nathan's determined efforts. A state convention in late August drew over 500 people and much enthusiasm was generated over Dr. Hospers' personal appearance. Oregon may be a key state as far as libertarianism is concerned. It could be the focal point of importance in the not-too-distant future.

TEXAS and OKLAHOMA: These two states have been laying some valuable groundwork. Texas under Guy Story Brown and Oklahoma under Frank Robinson could really blossom out in a short period of time and Dr. Hospers' appearance there could be the catalyst for bringing about large scale political action.

Other states are building in membership and laying groundwork for future activities. The few I have spotlighted are only indicative of overall Libertarian Party activity.