Publisher's Notes


• Objectivist-libertarian financial analyst Alan Greenspan testified before Congress against the government's plan to bail out Lockheed. His views were given wide publicity the same week when the Sunday NEW YORK TIMES published his article "Opening Pandora's Box—New RFC Could Reach Staggering Dimensions" (25 July 1971). The text of the article was inserted in the Congressional Record by Senator James Buckley (C., N.Y.).

• Other libertarians who have been active in putting their views before the public include William Susel and Charles Barr, two of the founders of "Libertarian Alternative." This Los Angeles-based group is designed to promote actively "voluntary free-market alternatives to government intervention in social problems." On 13 August Mr. Barr appeared on radio station KWIZ in Santa Ana to speak against the Lockheed loan guarantee. On 23 August Mr. Susel was permitted to speak on KNXT (the Los Angeles CBS television affiliate) to reply to the station's editorial support for Nixon's wage and price controls. Susel delivered his forthright statement against controls to a viewing audience estimated at one million persons. Readers interested in forming a similar group may wish to contact Libertarian Alternative (Box 38182, Hollywood, CA 90038) for pointers.

• The fall 1971 catalog of Nash Publishing (9255 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90069) describes several new releases of interest to libertarians, including Professor John Hospers' long-awaited LIBERTARIANISM, Professor Bruno Leoni's FREEDOM AND THE LAW, and a new edition of Murray Rothbard's classic MAN, ECONOMY, AND STATE. The catalog is available at no charge.

• Useful background material on the role of government licensing in the current health-care crisis is provided in Reuben Kessel's article "The A.M.A. and the Supply of Physicians," in LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS, Spring 1970, pp. 267-83 (Duke University School of Law, Durham, N.C. 27706). See also the same author's earlier "Price Discrimination in Medicine," JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS, Vol. 1, 1958, p. 20 (University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, III. 60637).

• Connecticut has joined Pennsylvania in passing and quickly removing an income tax. In Connecticut's case, popular outcry forced the legislature back into a special session at which they and Governor Thomas Meskill agreed to the tax's repeal, barely 54 days after it had been enacted!

• In case you were wondering what causes young people to act as they do, evangelist Billy Graham thinks he's figured it out. A recent UPI story read as follows: "'Satan worship is spreading fast,' Dr. Billy Graham contends and could be the reason for sexual immorality and drug use among young Americans…'Some wear horns, warlocks, and astrological signs and protect their images of demons.'" Now we know.