Mike Pence Speaks at March for Life, Photos of Trump Have NOT Been Edited to Make His Hands Look Bigger: P.M. Links
(Marianique Santos/ZUMA Press/Newscom)
Marianique Santos/ZUMA Press/Newscom Vice President Mike Pence addressed the crowds at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
- Is the White House editing photos of President Trump to make his hands look bigger? Of course not, you morons.
- The Atlantic has to correct like absolutely everything in this article about ultrasounds and abortion.
- The University of Washington College Republicans published a statement that looked to some like a call for violence. (It's particularly insensitive, given that someone was actually shot at the UW-CR's recent Milo Yiannopoulos event.)
- An author found a key witness in the Emmett Till murder case of 1955.
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