Public School Teacher Assigns Students Oppo Research on GOP Candidates, Instructs Them to Forward it to Obama Campaign


Eighth-graders at Liberty Middle School in Fairfax, Virgina, were assigned opposition research on the four remaining GOP presidential candidates, and told to forward that research to the Obama campaign, reports The Daily Caller: 

The assignment was for students to research the backgrounds and positions of each of the GOP candidates for president and find "weaknesses" in them, the parent explained. From there, students were to prepare a strategy paper to exploit those weaknesses and then to send their suggestions to the Obama campaign.

Liberty teacher Michael Denman, who declined to comment, unveiled the assignment in mid-January when he broke the Civics Honor's class into four groups, one for each Republican candidate. The students were then to collaborate as a group and research the backgrounds of their assigned candidate.

Denman assigned two kids to write a paper revealing the identified "weaknesses," two to write the attack strategy paper and two others to locate an individual inside the Obama campaign to whom they could send the information.

"My classmates don't actually know a lot, but a few of us tended to agree that the most recent instruction on this project just didn't seem right," one of the students told TheDC. "Mr. Denman didn't tell us where to find the information, just to research on them."

More here. Who needs Citizens United when you have millions of impressionable young people trapped under the thumb of the American Federation of Teachers and a compulsory education system?