Reason Morning Links: More Questions in the Gunwalker Case, Centrist Dems Likely to Reject Obama's Tax Plan, Newt Gingrich to Unveil Another Contract


  • A secretly recorded conversation between an ATF agent and a gun dealer raises new questions in the Fast and Furious case. 
  • Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson is "put off" by President Obama's talk of increasing taxes. 
  • WSJ: "[In 2008] nearly all millionaires paid a rate that is more than twice the 8.9% average rate paid by those earning between $50,000 and $100,000, and more than three times the 7.2% average rate paid by those earning less than $50,000." 
  • Newt Gingrich's new Contract with America "will be 10 times deeper and more comprehensive than [in] 1994."
  • The NIH is standing between a young woman and an experimental surgery that could save her life. 
  • Meth trafficking up 300 percent in Indonesia. Meth: Not just for hillbillies (anymore)! 

New at Wayne Allen Root Explains How He Will Become President