Celebrate Bastille Day at Freedom Fest in Vegas, featuring Matt Welch, Nick Gillespie, & a Slew of Reason Fdtn. All Stars!
Matt Welch and I are happy to announce that we'll be appearing at FreedomFest 2011, which will be held July 14-16 in Las Vegas. FreedomFest is an annual gathering of 2,000 or more fans of liberty and among the featured speakers are Fox Business' Judge Andrew Napolitano, Whole Foods founder John Mackey, the Cato Institute's David Boaz, Freedom Works' Matt Kibbe, visionary Peter Thiel, and many more, including just-added speaker Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) (emphasis mine!).
On Saturday, July 16, Matt and I will be talking about the themes and ideas in our book The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America (order now from your favorite online seller!). Later in the day, we'll be hosting a book signing as well and I'll be talking about Reason.tv's new media strategies to spread the word about "Free Minds and Free Markets."
And we'll be heading up "Reason Day," a great lineup of speakers from the Reason Foundation including Lisa Snell (education), Anthony Randazzo (fiscal policy), Harris Kenny (government reform), and Adam Summers (California's budgetpocalypse).
But wait, because there's more! Here's how Freedom Fest's organizers put it:
Eleven Great Debates in 2011: FreedomFest is famous for challenging your mind with a series of highlighted debates. This year they will include . .
- "Selfishness: Virtue or Vice?"
- "ObamaCare: Beginning or End of Good Living in America?"
- "Free Trade vs. Fair Trade"
- "To Vote or Not To Vote: You Decide"
- "Can Science Determine Human Values?"Featured Panel Discussions: Among the many speakers, debates and breakout sessions, we will have a special panel discussions on
- "The Growing Chinese Threat: Crisis and Opportunity"
- "From Good to Great: The Keys of Successful Leadership"
- "Vaccines: Good or Bad?"
- "The Future of the Middle East: DIctatorship? Democracy? Islamic Republics?"
- "Education in America: Are We Making Progress?"
- "Beating the Market with Hedge Funds"
FreedomFest's registration fee of $495 per person ($795 per couple) covers three full days of general sessions & breakout sessions, special pre-conference session on Wednesday, all conference materials, unlimited entrance to our exhibit hall, and an early registration cocktail reception.
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