
Have a Very Leaky Christmas


WikiLeaks in the news:

1. WikiLeaks' latest leaks have apparently been…leaked. The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten says it has acquired the site's full cache of diplomatic cables, including the material that WikiLeaks has not yet unveiled.

2. WikiLeaks and the Moscow paper Novaya Gazeta say they will soon be releasing documents exposing Russian corruption.

3. WikiLeaks may or may not be preparing to release incriminating documents about the Bank of America. The Bank of America has quite definitely cut off payments to WikiLeaks.

4. Foreign Policy has published a rundown of some of the WikiLeaks-style sites that have been cropping up around the world, from Indoleaks in Indonesia to Brussels Leaks in the European Union. Some of these operations aren't really ready for prime time. Taken together, though, they're another sign that we're entering a leaky new era, and that this story is far larger than the saga of Julian Assange.