Civil Liberties

One More Reason that Al Gore Shouldn't Have Won that Nobel Prize…


The former vice president's Nobel has inspired perhaps the next great wave of devolution in the world of op-ed cartoons, a genre that is already the aesthetic equivalent of zinjanthropous man.

Here's Investor's Business Daily's Michael Ramirez on the whole sordid affair:

Ramirez is, of course, a Pulitzer Prize winner. It seems that every editorial cartoonist is a Pulitzer Prize winner, doesn't it?

The one possible upside to the new "Alfred Nobel crying" motif (and I don't have the heart to see if Ramirez is simply ripping himself off from when Rigoberta Menchu or Jimmy Carter grabbed the brass ring)? It may finally put to rest the "Statue of Liberty crying" motif so relentlessly parodied in The Onion:

More Onion cartoons here.

Just about the Worst 9/11-inspired cartoon ever (non-Statue of Liberty category).

Thanks to reason's own Dave Weigel.