The Banality of Evil: Celebrate Banned Books Week


This week, the American Library Association is celebrating(?) the 25th annual Banned Books Week. In honor of book banners everywhere, and all that they've achieved, the ALA has compiled a few lists of "most challenged" books.

Google is sponsoring a site encouraging us to "explore banned books," mostly greats from the 20th century. Scrolling down the page (which bears a striking ressemblance to the required reading list for Advanced Placement English) it's easy to get angry--the idiots tried to ban 1984 for christsake! But the ALA's list of most challenged books of 2005 somehow fails to stir the same rage in my breast. Harry Potter? Captain Underpants? C'mon, people!

So go celebrate banned books week and the banality of evil: Burn a copy of Captain Underpants. Or read it. Whatever.