"Social media has already shown us the harm that powerful technology can do without the right safeguards in place," Biden said. "I'd like to hear more from this group because I have a lot to learn. And we also have a lot to discuss."

The meeting included Tristan Harris, the executive director of the Center for Humane Technology who became well-known for his criticism of social media companies over the past few years, Algorithmic Justice League founder Joy Buolamwini, who has highlighted how AI and algorithms can propagate racist and sexist biases, and Jim Steyer, chief executive of Common Sense Media, a longtime children's advocate.

After the meeting, Steyer said in an interview that Biden was "really engaged" while leading the session, which ran for over an hour. The president stressed the importance of ensuring AI does not undermine U.S. democracy as the group discussed how such tools could amplify misinformation and widen political polarization, Steyer said.

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