Outplay, Outlast, Outlaw


Fat naked guy Richard Hatch, the original Survivor champeen, has pled guilty to tax evasion in the state of Rhode Island. Hatch declined to report either the $1,010,000 he received from the show or another $321,000 he was paid as a radio personality in Boston. I would have expected Hatch, a man of many devices, to have worked out some clever scheme wherein he didn't report income earned while on "an island in the South China sea," but his only plan to evade taxation (er, theft of personal property by an unconstitutional autocracy) appears to have been a variation on Steve Martin's "I forgot!" The guilty plea ensures Hatch will get a lesser sentence than the maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine—so no Surivor: Otisville.

Hatch documents from Rhode Island district court here. Video of Hatch story, with look at svelte, shaven and clothed Hatch, here.