
Turns Out the Internet Has Something to Say About Teen Vogue Trying to End Capitalism

Will ending capitalism also end global poverty? The for-profit magazine seems to think so.


|||Screenshot via Twitter/@TeenVogue
Screenshot via Twitter/@TeenVogue

Teen Vogue is on the frontlines of the fight against capitalism, but it won't come without some resistance from Twitter.

In April, the magazine published an article titled, "What 'Capitalism' Is and How It Affects People." The article compares capitalism, which could possibly leave the world in a "dystopian Mad Max nightmare in which resources have dwindled, rich plutocrats own everything," to a much more desirable system of socialism. The article was retweeted on Wednesday with a caption that called for ending poverty with the end of capitalism.

Predictably, the internet had something to say about a for-profit business rallying against capitalism.

Others anxiously awaited the new direction of Teen Vogue's content.

One Twitter user shared a chart showing how global poverty has been on a steady decline for the past four decades.

In fact, there are several reports within the last 10 years that have shown that the number of people who lived on less than $2 a day in the 1980s has been cut nearly in half, while the number of those who used to live on less than $1 a day is only a third of what it used to be. It would seem that global trends favor systems that promote "private property, economic growth, freedom of choice, and limited government intervention," as is so aptly described in the piece. As Reason's Steve Chapman previously wrote, it's becoming more difficult for anti-capitalists to ignore reality.