Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson on The Greg Gutfeld Show: "I want to shrink the size of government."

Libertarian nominee lays out basic platform ideas, from cutting spending to ending military interventions to protecting abortion rights and legalizing pot.


Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson was on last night's episode of Fox News's The Greg Gutfeld Show, talking about his chances to make it into the debates. "Better than 50 percent," says the two-term former governor of New Mexico, who adds that, as president, "I want to shrink the size of government…stand up for civil liberties…and stop with the military interventions."

Take a look:

Here's a transcript from Fox News. For more Gutfeld Show clips, go here.

GUTFELD: Joining us now Libertarian presidential nominee Governor Gary Johnson. (applause) Governor, always a pleasure. So, honestly, you're a very honest person – what are the chances of getting up there behind a (debate) podium?

JOHNSON: Better than 50%

GUTFELD: That's good. Doing – that's about half. (laughter)

JOHNSON: Good math., Greg. I'm glad to see that you've still got it all together. (laughter)

GUTFELD: It's amazing what pharmaceuticals, legal ones, can do Governor. I want to ask you – everybody always asks you what's the first thing you would do as president. I want to ask you what's the third thing?

JOHNSON: Boy, this is just as irrelevant as it always has been. I've missed this. I've really missed this. Man, this is really great. Thanks man. (laughter)

GUTFELD: What do you want to do if you were president?

JOHNSON: What do I want to do?


JOHNSON: Well, I want, I want to reduce the size of government. I believe that less money out of my pocket is a good thing and then stand up for civil liberties. Included in those civil liberties, of course, legalizing marijuana, marriage equality, women's right to choose, and then let's stop with the military interventions with regime change that has resulted in a less safe world. How is that for starters? Let's, let's, let's bring the world together with free markets.

GUTFELD: I like you because you're for free markets and free minds and I think you are like a sleeper candidate. You are a two-term governor but you are also kind of goofy. Right? (laughter)

JOHNSON: (pretend yawns) Sleeper candidate. Sleeper candidate. (laughter) What's goofy? What's goofy man??

GUTFELD: No because you ---


GUTFELD: You are the next president!! (APPLAUSE) The next president! The next president!! No but the thing is – the reason why I bring that up is that on The Five we are constantly talking about Trump and Hillary and how flawed they are and Geraldo says "Gary Johnson, he's kind of weird.' So, what's wrong with weird? When you are looking at the other candidates you are a successful two-term governor. You cut spending. You left a budget surplus. You won republican in a state that was two-to-one democrat. What's weird about that?

JOHNSON: Well weird is having Bill Weld as my running mate – a two term republican governor in the state of Massachusetts, four-to-one democrat. We didn't raise taxes a penny. Man, this is really getting weird.


JOHNSON: Standing up for civil liberties. Do you remember Bill Weld was denied the nomination to be ambassador to Mexico by Jesse Helms because in 1997 Jesse Helms said `this is a guy who is pro-choice, pro-gay rights and who is pro-medical marijuana?' Yeah, boy, this is one weird ticket.

5 GUTFELD: It is interesting. It is a balance because you are small government. He is big government. Now, a lot of people have an issue about marijuana and that you are involved in the marijuana industry. I am pro-legalization of just about everything except children. (laughter) I think children should be banned. But I want to ask you – my issue with pot is I feel it should be seen as a reward, like a martini. Like you should work first and then smoke. My problem is that too many young people, they smoke, they get a bong and they end up on the couch and their ambition is gone. I don't think you can legislate that but does that ever occur to you that that could be a consequence?

JOHNSON: Oh my gosh Greg. Man, well, (laughs) the scenario you are pointing out is not criminal. If somebody wants to take the edge off the day by smoking pot or indulging in a marijuana product just like others do drinks, I mean, come on, as long as you are not doing any harm to anybody else – as the libertarian nominee for president, as your next president, I am always going to come down on the side of choice. Look, people ought to be able to make choices in their lives as long as those choices don't adversely affect others.

GUTFELD: I agree. I am with you completely., Very sensible. I think everybody has the right to their own oblivion. Correct?

JOHNSON: I think so. Back to oblivion, as long as you are not doing any harm to anybody else.

GUTFELD: What's the fun in that? I want a right to oblivion while harming others. (laughter)


GUTFELD: Governor, thanks for putting up with me.

JOHNSON: Thank you. I can't believe you haven't put me on but I've missed you. I've missed you.

GUTFELD: I've missed you too.


GUTFELD: Well, maybe later… (Gutfeld cracks up laughing) All right. Thank you governor.