Gay Marriage

Scott Walker Supports Constitutional Amendment for State Control of Marriage

Likely presidential candidate had previously seen GOP reducing focus on issue.


If presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tries to push forward a constitutional amendment guaranteeing state control over marriage laws, he'd have support from at least one potential rival. While speaking in Iowa over the weekend, Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker made it clear that he, like Cruz (and Sens. Rand Paul and Marco Rubio) thinks states should have the authority to decide whether to recognize same-sex marriages.

In front of a crowd in Waukee, Iowa, he said:

"I still hold out hope that the Supreme Court will rule, as has been the tradition in the past, that the states are the places that get to define what marriage is. If for some reason they don't … I believe it's reasonable for the people of America to consider a constitutional amendment that would affirm the ability of states to do just that."

Below is a YouTube interview over the weekend by Caffeinated Thoughts, a Christian media outlet. Walker talks about several issues, including Common Core, abortion, Obamacare, and immigration. The gay marriage recognition portion starts at about 4:22. His comments are very similar to the above quote:

The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, today has a history of Walker's various comments and votes on same-sex marriage recognition. He has long been opposed to same-sex marriage recognition. More recently, though, he has been one of the Republicans trying to pivot away from even talking about the issue as support for gay marriage grows and focus more on fiscal matters. He even suggested that he (and the Republican Party) would give up the fight against marriage recognition as more federal judges ruled against bans. But Cruz has not been playing along with this plan (if this is indeed the Republican Party's plan) and has been vocal about the states maintaining control over gay marriage recognition. Walker seems willing to openly speak in support of these plans, even if he doesn't want it to be emphasized.