Obama's $1.5 Million One-Night Hotel Bill, State Department Misplaced $6 Billion, Yellowstone Is NOT Going To Erupt: P.M. Links


  • Zenon Evans

    President Obama racked up an estimated $1.5 million hotel bill for the single night he spent in Brussels. Zack Galifinakis and the rest of the Hangover crew were, surprisingly, not involved.

  • The State Department issued an alert that it can't account for $6 billion in contracting money from the last six years. Maybe their prized camel ate it?
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the U.S. economy grew by 192,000 jobs in March, though the official unemployment rate remains at 6.7 percent. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) blamed Bush while Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) blamed Obama.
  • A senior officer at Fort Hood stated today that gunman Spc. Ivan Lopez "had a medical history that indicates unstable psychiatric or psychological condition."
  • A drone operated by the Pennsylvania Army National Guard crashed near a grade school yesterday. 
  • Despite some wild speculation that Yellowstone National Park's super-volcano is going to erupt, scientists from the park assure that "the chance of that happening in our lifetimes is exceedingly insignificant." That's what they want us to think.

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