
New Mexico Cop Who Shot at Minivan Full of Children Appeals His Firing

Public union privileges


respect his authoritah

Last month, a cop in New Mexico shot at a minivan full of children when the driver, Oriana Farrell, tried to pull away a second time after being stopped for going 71 in a 55. Dascham video shows an officer trying to smash the passenger side window before Farrell drove away the second time. Police said they were trying to shoot out the minivan's tires, but as Jess Remington noted then, police experts don't consider that a safe practice. Police eventually arrested Farrell, charging her with fleeing an officer, child abuse, and possession of drug paraphernalia (two marijuana pipes were allegedly found in the minivan). Her attorney has claimed Farrell drove away fearing for the safety of her children in the presence of police, and that if anyone ought to be charged with child abuse it should be the officer who shot.

Now, after a disciplinary hearing, that officer, Elias Montoya, has been fired, a decision made by the state's police chief, who said the "buck stops" with him. But, because he's a public sector employee with public union privileges, Montoya is appealing that decision. His attorneys provided no comment to the AP on the merits of the case, only that they intended to appeal on their client's behalf. And being afforded that privilege, why wouldn't he?

h/t to sarcasmic, who pointed this out in my earlier post about a sexually inappropriate middle school teacher it's taken too long to fire thanks to generous privileges afforded public sector employees.