
The United States of Paranoia: Readings, Reviews, Interviews

A roundup of links.


This week HarperCollins sent me a big box filled with copies of my book The United States of Paranoia, which I expect means it'll soon start showing up on bookstore shelves and in the mailboxes of Amazon customers. Herewith some notes on readings, reviews, and interviews:

• On August 20—the official release date—I will be speaking about the book at the D.C. store Politics & Prose. The program starts at 7 p.m., and according to the Politics & Prose website, "Beer and wine will be available." Come for the book, stay for the brew.

A couple other D.C.-based events are planned for late August and early September. I will post more information about those as soon as the details are nailed down.

• On August 27, also starting at 7, I'll be doing an event at the Ivy Bookshop up here in Baltimore. Thomas Schaller, a political scientist at UMBC and columnist for The Baltimore Sun, will do a public interview with me; I will also read a portion of the book, and there will be the inevitable audience Q&A. For more information, go to the Ivy's page.

• I've mentioned the kind notices the book has received from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus; this week I learned that the Booklist reviewer liked it as well, calling it a "lively, extremely interesting, and occasionally more than slightly scary book." The piece is behind a paywall, but it's also reprinted here.

• C-Span interviewed me recently about the book, and they plan to air the conversation this coming Sunday at 1:15 in the afternoon, Eastern time. You can set your DVRs, or you can just figure we'll be posting it here at Reason the next day.

• Quick reminder: You can order the book! It will make me happy if you do!