
It's November 26, and the Obama Administration Still Has Not Responded to Legal Weed in Colorado and Washington


Twenty days ago, voters in Colorado and Washington legalized the sale and use of recreational marijuana.

Since then, prosecutors in both states have dropped misdeamonor pot charges against hundreds of offenders; legislators in Maine, Rhode Island, and Mexico have said they'll introduce marijuana legalization bills in the coming months. Dozens of members of Congress have written letters urging the DEA, the Justice Department, and President Obama to refrain from enforcing federal marijuana law in those states. Oh, and the U.N.'s drug czar has asked Attorney General Eric Holder to shred the U.S. Constitution and force Colorado and Washington to re-outlaw marijuana

Despite these developments, and having known for more than a year that Colorado and Washington would have legalization measures on their ballots, the Obama administration has stayed mum On The Other Big Thing That Happened on Nov. 6. The Office of National Drug Control Policy has yet to acknowledge the vote anywhere on its website (though it did find time to blog about Small Business Saturday). The DEA has been slightly more forthcoming, telling the press on Nov. 7 that "the Drug Enforcement Administration's enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act remains unchanged," and republishing a 2011 in-house paper, titled "The Truth About Marijuana and Legalization," on its homepage

The Obama Weed Watch continues. 

Previously: It's November 19, and President Obama Still Hasn't Responded to Legal Pot in Colorado and Washington