Help Make the Last Day of Reason's Webathon a Success!
Today's the last day of Reason's 2011 Webathon, during which we're looking for 500 liberty-loving donors who will, through fully tax-deductible gifts, help us keep bringing you the best in libertarian news, views, and commentary.
For a minimum of $10, you get to see your name (however or whatever you choose to spell) up in the the "thank you" banner scrolling boldly across the top of, the home site of "Free Minds and Free Markets."
For $100, you get a year's subscription to the great Reason mag, a t-shirt, a bumper sticker…
For $250, you get all that plus another subscription to give to a frenemy, a tablet-computer bag, and a signed copy of The Declaration of Independents, by Matt Welch and me…
For $333, you get all that plus the chance to ask Matt and me anything (he gets the math questions) and a large poster version of the Reason cover of your choice…
For $666, you get all that plus a profile of you written up at…
For $1,000, you get all that plus recognition in Reason magazine, regular updates about all sorts things, invites to "Torchbearer" events, and more…
For $2,500, you get all that plus a leather jacekt (suitable for framing or wearing or whatever) signed by Matt Welch and me…
In a complete repudiation of too much of life itself, the more you give, the more you get. For a full list of giving levels and gifts, go here.
And to make a donation, go here.
If you can't make a donation, at least give us feedback about what you like and dislike about the site. Fill out this survey and you'll automatically get a shot at a $100 Amazon gift card.
These are tough times. The economy is on the ropes, the federal government is in the hands of arrogant people, statehouses and city halls across the country don't know how to do much well except spend more money.
Across its print, web, video, and research platforms, Reason pushes back against that by showing the folly of top-down control and centralized power, of one-size-fits-all regulations, and of prohibiting consenting adults from being free to peacefully live however they want. We also show what can and does work, by celebrating innovations and experiments in business, technology, community, and living.
Your donations help us do more of that and this much is certain: Our message - your message - of radical freedom, of belief in individuals and the groups they form voluntarily, of "Free Minds and Free Markets" - will be more needed in 2012 than ever before.
So please help us by offering what you can, in soon-to-be-worth-less dollars by making a donation and/or by letting us know the sorts of things you'd like see more of.
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