Reason Morning Links: TSA Offers Half-Apology to Humiliated Breast Cancer Survivor, Undocumented Families Flee a Newly Martial Alabama, Obama Writes the RNC's Next Campaign Ad


  • The TSA half-apologizes for groping passenger Lori Dorn, whose double masectomy triggered an airport nudie scanner and led to her getting groped: "'We regret that this passenger did not have a positive experience,' the agency said in a statement that was provided to The Hill Monday afternoon. TSA did not, however, say that patting down Dorn was inappropriate. Instead, the agency said that Dorn's medical condition 'should have triggered a more compassionate response from our officers, such as an offer on our part of private screening.'"
  • President Obama to ABC News: "I don't think that they're better off than they were four years ago. They're not better off than they were before Lehman's collapse, before the financial crisis, before this extraordinary recession that we're going through."
  • A California judge goes after the Fullerton Police Department (most recently in the news due to the death of homeless man Kelly Thomas) for putting a cop accused of sexually assaulting and/or harassing seven women back on street duty. 
  • An exodus began in Alabama last night after a judge upheld the state's new Arizona-like immigration law: "They left behind mobile homes, sold fully furnished for a thousand dollars or even less. Or they just closed up and, in a gesture of optimism, left the keys with a neighbor. Dogs were fed one last time; if no home could be found, they were simply unleashed."
  • National Journal: "New e-mails released Monday show the White House was warned about Solyndra's potential problems even before President Obama visited the company's Fremont, Calif., headquarters and used it as a backdrop for his push for renewable energy investment and green jobs."
  • A reporter for Rupert Murdoch's staid iPad app The Daily recreates Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

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