War on Drugs

Fast Food=Heroin, and Other Junk Ad Campaigns



This is a real Australian anti-fast food ad comparing giving your kid a burger to injecting him with heroin. Because they are totally the same. Official tagline:

"You wouldn't inject your children with junk. So why are you feeding it to them?"

Next up in the series: Mother puts child on traditional Chinese flatbottomed boat.

"You wouldn't send your children to sea in a junk. So why are you feeding it to them?"

Then: Baseball player winds up to throw a knuckleball to a child at bat:

"You wouldn't pitch your children junk. So why are you feeding it to them?"

And finally: Michael Milken tempts a child with risky bonds:

"You wouldn't let your children invest in junk. So why are you feeding it to them?"


Via IPN's daily links, and Dick Puddlecote.