Last Week's Top 5 Hits at


Here are the top five most popular columns from last week. Read them once again or for the first time:

The Infallible Prosecutor: Should prosecutors who manufacture evidence be susceptible to lawsuits? by Radley Balko (9/28)

The Supreme Court Takes on Guns, Again: Heller lawyer Alan Gura revived the Second Amendment. Can he do the same for the 14th? by Brian Doherty (10/1)

Using Unions As Weapons: UPS and FedEx face off in Congress instead of the marketplace, by Veronique de Rugy (9/28)

Success No Matter What? Don't believe the White House's economic hype, by John Stossel (10/1)

Conservatives With Pink Cheeks: Joe Scarborough stands athwart history, yelling "slow down," by Nick Gillespie (9/29)