
1990s Nostalgia Sweeps Nation: Government Shutdowns, Doc Martens to Follow


From today's Congress Daily PM:

"This is the longest time it's been in 20 years since Congress has actually [not] passed one appropriations bill. It is not a record to be proud of and we would like actually [to] have them do some of that before we talk about a CR."

—White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, in response to a question on whether President Bush would veto a continuing resolution if it includes a drilling moratorium.

Nostlgia for the 1990s is in the air (see: The Wackness). And at the Denver convention, Dems spoke wistfully of the Clinton era. Apparently Newt Gingrich is part of the zeitgeist too. He sees another potential government shutdown on the horizon. If only…

Vintage reason on the shutdown here.