Attn, L.A. Reasonoids: Good-bye to Matt Welch/L.A. Press Club Holiday Party, Thursday, Dec. 13, 7:00 PM


Come all ye California readers to ring in the holidays with reason and the L.A. Press Club, and say a West Coast buh-bye to the east-bound Matt Welch and his lovely wife, journalist Emmanuelle Richard.

Besides Festivus, we'll be celebrating the publication of reason's January 2008 issue, and listening to Welch talk a bit about his increasingly (distressingly?) relevant new book, McCain: The Myth of a Maverick. Admission, parking, snacks, and drinks—including some tasty wine—are all free.

The fun starts at 7:00 p.m., and the programming begins at 7:45.

RSVPs are a must, and can be made to Mary Toledo at 310-391-2245 or

The L.A. Press Club is located at the fabulous Steve Allen Theater, on 4773 Hollywood Blvd., L.A., 90027. Block or two west of Vermont; parking in the back.

For more info, click here.