
Barry Bonds: It's Not the Crime, It's the Coverup…


…when really, the investigation was the crime in the first place.

Well, they got Barry Bonds–not necessarily for actually committing a crime that might have, God forbid, harmed someone else's person or property, but for lying in the course of an investigation that nature and nature's God should have forbade the state from conducting at all.

Nothing much to add from me, except another big sigh. But we've been on the Bonds story like a first baseman on Rickey Henderson, so please see this partial list of past reason pieces on Bonds, drugs in sports, and the steps that led to this gross little injustice.

Matt Welch on the madness and injustice of the investigation in the course of which Bonds allegedly spoke those fateful fibs, from 2004.

Jacob Sullum asks: Why should sports be drug-free anyway? (Also from 2004)

Dayn Perry explains at length why steroids are not wrecking baseball. (From Jan. 2003)

Aaron Steinberg on Canseco on steroids. (June 2005)

Nick Gillespie on Bonds' record-breaking dinger.

And from June, Gillespie's general defense of Mr. Bonds achievements and the sad things his persecution says about America today.

And all those and more.