Two Thumbs Up


Jesse Walker and I submitted top-10 movies lists to It's a project wherein members of the peanut gallery give their top 10s, and the whole gets averaged into an overall top-10 list, and it's an instructive example of how the same handful of movies always end up on top of these lists. Although each individual list is pretty idiosyncratic, when you average them together the most frequently repeated entries are still pretty much the same, so you end up with the same Gone With the 8 1/2 Godfathers of Citizen Casablanca's Vertigo list you always get. Walker and Cavanaugh can both take a bow, as neither of our lists contribute to that result. Jesse's list, with annotations explaining America's true landmark underground film, is here. Cavanaugh's list, with longer annotations (sorry, but when I get going about Beyond the Valley of the Dolls ain't nobody gonna stop me), is here. I skipped the requested top-10 directors list because film is a casting director's medium.