Inevitable Comparisons


I was wondering how long it would take for someone to equate "Jeff Gannon," late of Talon News, with Russell Mokhiber of the Corporate Crime Reporter. Mokhiber is not, to my knowledge, a gay prostitute, and I don't think anyone's claiming that he's an administration tool, but like Gannon he has a history of offering up ideologically loaded questions during White House briefings. On that ground, Accuracy in Media has finally dragged him into the debate.

I'm someone who thinks more people should be allowed into the White House press corps, not less, with a special effort to recruit tedious ideologues of all colors and sizes. So while I'm interested in the Gannon scandal—who wouldn't be interested in a tale this salacious?—I can't work up much outrage over it. I never managed to get myself into a sweat over Eason Jordan either, frankly. Someone should probably revoke my blogger badge.