

"There shouldn't be anything controversial about a .45-caliber bullet. If it were up to me we would just throw them off the Sunshine Skyway bridge and be done with it."

'"Florida state Rep. Brad Drake (R-Eucheeanna) defending a bill to revive death by firing squad as a means of capital punishment, Florida Current , October 12 

"We get hauled in front of the Congress for developing a product that's free, that serves a billion people.…I mean, it's fine. It's their job. But it's not like we raised prices. We could lower prices from free to…lower than free?"  

'"Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt on testifying before the Senate antitrust subcommittee, The Washington Post , October 1 

"The protest is good. The economy is bad for everyone. And I have ladies on my truck." 

'"truck driver Jose Umana on Occupy Oakland's general strike, which shut down the Port of Oakland on November 2, Oakland Bay Citizen, November 3