

"[T]o privatize religious belief is to trivialize it. When we treat religion as purely personal–irrelevant to the way we live our lives and write our laws–this is not neutrality to religion, it is hostility to religion. The reason is simple: because faith is more than an internal belief, it is a guide to external conduct.

"And for religious liberty to have any meaning, government and business must accommodate that conduct, within the bounds of reason and order."

—Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.), supporting the Workplace Religious Freedom Act on the Senate floor in July

"China has done some monstrous things to Tibet. But China's also brought a certain measure of development–roads, power, buildings (even if they're ugly), a certain amount of education, medicine."

—Orville Schell, China expert and dean of the University of California, Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism, in the September/October Mother Jones