
"Hillary Clinton: 2016?" Is Not Going Away

Get used to the constant theorizing and polling


Hillary Rodham Clinton hasn't decided whether to run for president in 2016. Even if she does, she may not make it official for some time. But Mrs. Clinton already becoming something of a campaign juggernaut.

Two new polls out this week highlight just how formidable a candidate Clinton might be. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, 57 percent of all Americans would support Hillary Clinton for president – including 66 percent of all women. She even wins support among 23 percent of Republicans.

Likewise, a Siena College poll of New Yorkers released Wednesday found a 75 percent approval rating for Clinton – her highest ever in that poll – with 54 percent saying they wanted her to run for president. (Thirty-nine percent said they want the state's governor, Andrew Cuomo – another rumored 2016 hopeful – to take the plunge).