
Calls in Norway for PM to Step Down

Party deputy leader suggests Stoltenberg take responsible for failed response to deadly shooting rampage.


Something odd is happening in Norway. The same country that was admired worldwide for its civil response to the horrific twin terror attacks last July by Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik now appears bent on justice.

Per Sandberg, Progress Party deputy leader and head of the parliamentary justice committee, has suggested that Jens Stoltenberg, Norway's prime minister, would have been forced to accept responsibility for the failings on July 22, 2011 that led to 77 deaths and step down if he had led a minority-coalition government. Even some families of the Labor party youths who were killed in Mr. Breivik's shooting rampage on the island of Utøya, as well as the editorial page of Norway's largest daily newspaper Verdens Gang, are urging for Mr. Stoltenberg to resign.