
Remy: Obamacare Video Contest Song


The official deadline for the government-touted Healthy Young America Video contest, which is designed to promote the benefits of The Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), was September 23.

But we figure that, what with all the other delays associated with Obamacare, the kind judges at Young Invincibles will be willing to cut us a few days' slack.

So here's Reason TV and Remy's "Obamacare Video Contest Song."

Written and performed by Remy. Produced and animated by Meredith Bragg.

About 1.30 minutes. Scroll below for lyrics and downloadable versions.

Subscribe to Reason TV's YouTube channel to get automatic notifications when new material go live. Follow Reason on Twitter at @reason.

Follow Remy on Twitter at @goremy and on You Tube here.

For all of Remy and Reason's collaborations, go here.


What's hated by unions
has businesses wary
and dropping coverage 
like the 'Skins secondary?

Causing thousands of layoffs
taking it's toll?
What's so good for people
that they're forced to enroll?

What's a law that's so good
folks who passed and defended it
see it and got waivers
to be exempted? It's

like Olestra, at first 
it sounded hip
but we quickly found ourselves
dealing with a whole lot of sh…

Obamacare, Obamacare
Unions and businesses both in despair

So to recap, young people,
your hours get cut
and your income goes down
and your premium's up

and the taxes you pay
with the cash you have left
go to pay for a stupid 
video contest, touting

Obamacare, Obamacare
Unions and businesses both in despair

It's hated by doctors and unions are mad.
Not since Billy Ray Cyrus 
has someone made something this bad.