
Cops vs. Cameras: The Killing of Kelly Thomas and The Power of New Media


This week's decision by a St. Louis county grand jury to not indict Ferguson (MO) Police Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown brought back memories of the Kelly Thomas case, in which an unarmed schizophrenic homeless drifter died from injuries suffered at the hands of a sustained assault by Fullerton (CA) police officers. The officers were acquitted of all murder and manslaughter charges at a trial in early 2014.

Reason TV's Paul Detrick covered the case from it's tragic beginnings in 2011.

"Cops vs. Cameras: The Killing of Kelly Thomas & The Power of New Media" Produced by Paul Detrick. About 8 minutes.

Original release date was September 21, 2011. Click on the link below for the original writeup.