
Karl Rove: "The most liberal Republican is Justin Amash"


But who will write the theme music! ||| Courtesy Benjamin Lee's Twitter feed
Courtesy Benjamin Lee's Twitter feed

Via Andrew Kirell's great Twitter feed comes the latest in a long line of skirmishes between the Angry Birds and Wacko Birds of the modern Republican Party—former George W. Bush svengali and current would-be GOP kingmaker Karl Rove criticizing Rep. Justin Amash (R-Michigan) and other staunch libertarian-leaners on Capitol Hill for believing (in Rove's words) that "If it's not 100 percent perfect, I'm voting with Nancy Pelosi." Watch Rove below, as fellow libertarian-basher and GWB-courtier Michael Gerson nods along:

Related: Karl Rove vs. the Tea Party. And watch Amash talk with Reason.tv Editor Nick Gillespie below: