Civil Liberties

DC Metro Cops Who Attack Wheelchair-Bound Boozer Get Off


Back in May, the above footage showed Washington, D.C. Metro Transit cops pushing Dwight Harris out of his motorized wheelchair, wrestling to the ground, and cuffing him, all for the crime of drinking in public near a subway station.

The police originally also charged Harris with assaulting them but that charge—and the drinking one—were dropped after the video showed Harris didn't take on the cops in the least.

Now, reports Gawker and a local ABC affiliate, the arresting officers will not face charges for overdoing it.

DOJ spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa said there was insufficient evidence to pursue charges after investigators interviewed witnesses and reviewed training records, video and medical reports. "Accident, mistake, fear, negligence or bad judgment are not sufficient to establish such a criminal violation," she said. 

Gawker writeup here. Local ABC affiliate take here.

Hat tip: To the reader who sent me this link but whose email or tweet tip I can't find!'s take on "Cops vs. Cameras: The Killing of Kelly Thomas & The Power of New Media":