
When Coinages Clash!, or: This Quarter, This Surfer


The Franklin Mint (not, despite rumors, named after Reed and Sue Richards' firstborn son) tries to inject 40,000 specially altered actual U.S. quarters into the economy with the obverse (formerly the special California state quarter) turned into an image of the Silver Surfer as a promotion for the forthcoming Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer flick.

Alas, the U.S. Mint, reacting in the usual blind rage and anger humans aim at that which they don't understand, says them nay, although the deed is already done. The AP story doesn't specify what penalty the guilty parties may face, if any. Franklin Mint spokesperson says they are very mindful of the glories of legal tender laws and intended merely to "enhance" the coins with Norrin Radd's sleek alien form.