Government Gets Back to 'Work,' Snowden Reveals Drone Tactics, California Mayors Tackle Pension Reform: P.M. Links


  • Buzzkill
    Gage Skidmore / Foter / CC BY-SA

    Government employees are returning back to the hard work of controlling the country. Joe Biden made an appearance at the Environmental Protection Agency to make everybody wish it was still closed.  

  • Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell said there will be no more government shutdowns over the Affordable Care Act. Awwww. Maybe they'll find other reasons to shut the government down.
  • The latest Edward Snowden release is about drones. The NSA and the CIA have been collaborating extensively in arranging drone strikes of suspected terrorists.
  • Several Democratic mayors of California cities are attempting to get public pension reform passed via a statewide ballot initiative, giving cities more control over their plans.
  • A pack of Nobel Laureates are asking Vladimir Putin to free detained Greenpeace activists, but his office claims it does not have the power to do so.
  • A study has found "profound abnormalities" in the brains of retired football players correlated to the heavy blows to the head they receive.

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